Monday, July 12, 2010

Group 6. General Templer.

Members: Zhao Zicen, Bijiawu, Eugene, Donghun, Seanjet.

1. What makes a hero? Are heroes only those who have achieved what they want to achieve or did they arise from some 'special' circumstances?

What is a hero??
Dictionary meaning: A man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.

A leader VS A hero
A normal leader worries about themselves and whether they are doing the right thing and does not worry about their followers, but a hero understands that if they are doing the right thing then their followers will follow that example. Heroes cause people to stop thinking about themselves and to start looking for ways to help others.

What makes a hero?
A hero affects people and causes change. A hero is a person that everyone can look up to. A hero is hard to find. A hero must always think of others first. Without this trait a hero does not do any good because a hero is a person that affects the people around him/her.

A hero must be selflessness. A true hero is a person that no matter what is always searching for a way to help others. This is what separates a hero from a normal person.

“Being a hero is 1% ability, and 99% attitude.”

“It not about what you can do, it’s about what you ACTUALLY DID!”

by Zicen.

2. What challenges does a hero face and how does his/ her qualities enable him/ her to overcome challenges? Describe at least one challenge and how the hero overcomes the challenge.

Sir Gerald Templer faces a challenge when he was at Malaya, trying to protect it from the communist influence. This incident was called the Malaya Emergency, and Sir Gerald Templer had overcome the challenge by using his stern methods and a tactic that would provide communist to lose power.

He had qualities like sternness and calmness during the whole emergency, and he showed fast decisions when there were crisis for him to come over with. He worked closely with Robert Thompson and found out that it was the non-Malayans that were providing the power to the communist. Thus, even though Malaya was the colony of the British back then, he tried to persuade the government to grant the 2.6 Million Malayan, in which 1.1 Million was Chinese, their citizenship so that they can look out for the communist and make them feel that they are working for their own country. This was one of the factors that helped to improve the situation better.

Sir Gerald Templer once said: “I'll shoot the bastard who says that this Emergency is over” right before he left Malaya, so to get the situation still under the control of the government.

He also used strict methods like curfews and tight control over the food supplies, so that the communists do not get to meet each other and discuss what they are going to do next, while providing them almost nothing to it, giving a cutting edge to the government forces. When the communists grew crops to eat and hold on, Templer deployed people to spray herbicides to destroy the crops that they do not get to eat almost anything.

He also had a lot of experience through the warfare and knew that intelligence was important. He concentrated on intelligence to make the situation better and pick out the communist much more easily. When he left Malaya in 1954, the situation turned towards the government’s side and the emergency ended in proper at 1960. The qualities and decisions he made had helped him through this emergency.

By Donghun


By Zicen.

1 comment:

  1. Group members: Candy Teo, Chong Jia Hui, Joey Teo, Priscilla Her

    I like you introduction about heroes. I like the part where you say that what makes a hero is 1% skill and 99% attitude. In the second segment where you talk about the challenges that the Sir Gerald Templer faced, I like the quote by him that you have posted. It is good... Lastly, I think that you can include your reflection in the post...But nonetheless, good job and effort!!
    I have learnt a lot form your post... Thanks
