Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Group 4 Jia Hui's post

Jiahui awesomez 's post!

What makes a person a hero?

To me, the qualities of heroism include self-sacrifice, courage, determination, perseverance and selflessness. Heroes are not those who have achieved what they want, but are those that willing to self-sacrifice and display great courage in times of danger and adversity.

Heroism is about standing up for what you think is right even though you know you may suffer for doing it.

Elizabeth Choy, a teacher, councilor, the 1st principal for the School For The Blind and also a Singapore war heroine. Choy was accused of smuggling money into Changi Prison and was arrested by the Kempeitai, in which she was then imprisoned and terribly tortured.

She was being selfless by helping the Changi prisoners-of-war by passing on cash, parcels, medicine and letters during their deliveries, and even took a greater risk by sending in radio parts for hidden receivers. She was fearless of being caught. She had the heart and spirit to help the prisoners and believed that she was doing the right thing. For this she had shown conviction for doing what is right and abiding by the truth. When she was imprisoned, she was badly treated and beaten but she never admitted to being a British sympathizer and persevered till the very end. For this she displayed strong perseverance, courage and determination to survive and overcome this challenge.

Choy was released after 193 days, but when she was given the opportunity to identify the Japanese officers that tortured her to be sentenced at the War Crimes Tribunal, she chose not to and said, “I don’t hate the Japanese, I just hate the war.” She is kind and forgiving despite what the officers had done to her.

All these outstanding qualities she possessed had made her a war hero.


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